146 research outputs found

    A search for equilibrium states

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    An efficient search algorithm is described for the location of equilibrium states in a search set of states which differ from one another only by the choice of pure phases. The algorithm has three important characteristics: (1) it ignores states which have little prospect for being an improved approximation to the true equilibrium state; (2) it avoids states which lead to singular iteration equations; (3) it furnishes a search history which can provide clues to alternative search paths

    Computer program determines chemical equilibria in complex systems

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    Computer program numerically solves nonlinear algebraic equations for chemical equilibrium based on iteration equations independent of choice of components. This program calculates theoretical performance for frozen and equilibrium composition during expansion and Chapman-Jouguet flame properties, studies combustion, and designs hardware

    A class of nonideal solutions. 2: Application to experimental data

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    Functions for the representation of the thermodynamic properties of nonideal solutions were applied to the experimental data for several highly nonideal solutions. The test solutions were selected to cover both electrolyte behavior. The results imply that the functions are fully capable of representing the experimental data within their accuracy over the whole composition range and demonstrate that many nonideal solutions can be regarded as members of the defined class of nonideal solutions

    Modeling the complete Otto cycle: Preliminary version

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    A description is given of the equations and the computer program being developed to model the complete Otto cycle. The program incorporates such important features as: (1) heat transfer, (2) finite combustion rates, (3) complete chemical kinetics in the burned gas, (4) exhaust gas recirculation, and (5) manifold vacuum or supercharging. Changes in thermodynamic, kinetic and transport data as well as model parameters can be made without reprogramming. Preliminary calculations indicate that: (1) chemistry and heat transfer significantly affect composition and performance, (2) there seems to be a strong interaction among model parameters, and (3) a number of cycles must be calculated in order to obtain steady-state conditions

    Ideal gas thermodynamic properties for the phenyl, phenoxy, and o-biphenyl radicals

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    Ideal gas thermodynamic properties of the phenyl and o-biphenyl radicals, their deuterated analogs and the phenoxy radical were calculated to 5000 K using estimated vibrational frequencies and structures. The ideal gas thermodynamic properties of benzene, biphenyl, their deuterated analogs and phenyl were also calculated

    Computer program for calculation of complex chemical equilibrium compositions and applications. Supplement 1: Transport properties

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    An addition to the computer program of NASA SP-273 is given that permits transport property calculations for the gaseous phase. Approximate mixture formulas are used to obtain viscosity and frozen thermal conductivity. Reaction thermal conductivity is obtained by the same method as in NASA TN D-7056. Transport properties for 154 gaseous species were selected for use with the program

    Modeling the internal combustion engine

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    A flexible and computationally economical model of the internal combustion engine was developed for use on large digital computer systems. It is based on a system of ordinary differential equations for cylinder-averaged properties. The computer program is capable of multicycle calculations, with some parameters varying from cycle to cycle, and has restart capabilities. It can accommodate a broad spectrum of reactants, permits changes in physical properties, and offers a wide selection of alternative modeling functions without any reprogramming. It readily adapts to the amount of information available in a particular case because the model is in fact a hierarchy of five models. The models range from a simple model requiring only thermodynamic properties to a complex model demanding full combustion kinetics, transport properties, and poppet valve flow characteristics. Among its many features the model includes heat transfer, valve timing, supercharging, motoring, finite burning rates, cycle-to-cycle variations in air-fuel ratio, humid air, residual and recirculated exhaust gas, and full combustion kinetics

    A new paradigm based on agents applied to free-hand sketch recognition

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    Important advances in natural calligraphic interfaces for CAD (Computer Aided Design) applications are being achieved, enabling the development of CAS (Computer Aided Sketching) devices that allow facing up to the conceptual design phase of a product. Recognizers play an important role in this field, allowing the interpretation of the user’s intention, but they still present some important lacks. This paper proposes a new recognition paradigm using an agent-based architecture that does not depend on the drawing sequence and takes context information into account to help decisions. Another improvement is the absence of operation modes, that is, no button is needed to distinguish geometry from symbols or gestures, and also “interspersing” and “overtracing” are accomplishedThe Spanish Ministry of Science and Education and the FEDER Funds, through the CUESKETCH project (Ref. DPI2007-66755-C02-01), partially supported this work.Fernández Pacheco, D.; Albert Gil, FE.; Aleixos Borrás, MN.; Conesa Pastor, J. (2012). A new paradigm based on agents applied to free-hand sketch recognition. Expert Systems with Applications. 39(8):7181-7195. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eswa.2012.01.063S7181719539

    A novel gene, MDS2, is fused to ETV6/TEL in a t(1;12)(p36.1;p13) in a patient with myelodysplastic syndrome

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    ETV6/TEL is the first transcription factor identified that is specifically required for hematopoiesis within the bone marrow. This gene has been found to have multiple fusion partners of which 16 have been cloned. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) analysis in a patient with myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) revealed a t(1;12)(p36;p13) involving ETV6, with the breakpoint in this gene between exon 2 and exon 3. We report here the cloning of a novel ETV6 partner located on 1p36.1, involved in the t(1;12). 3' RACE-PCR from RNA identified a novel sequence fused to exon 2 of ETV6. Database searches localized this sequence in a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) mapped to 1p36 by fingerprint analysis. This result was confirmed by FISH using this BAC as probe. 5' and 3' RACE experiments with primers from this novel sequence were carried out on RNA from a healthy donor and identified a novel full-length mRNA, which we named MDS2 (myelodysplastic syndrome 2). RT-PCR experiments were performed on a panel of human cDNAs to analyze the expression pattern of this gene and they revealed four splicing variants. RT-PCR analysis showed that ETV6-MDS2, but not the reciprocal MDS2-ETV6 fusion transcript, was expressed in the bone marrow of the patient. The product of the ETV6-MDS2 fusion transcript predicts a short ETV6 protein containing the first 54 amino acids of ETV6 plus four novel amino acids, lacking both the PTN and the DNA-binding domains. Possible mechanisms to account for the development of MDS in this patient are discussed